Iris is not just another framework
January 2014
Strong object oriented coding and file system organization
Presenter-View-Resource pattern
Easy and fast templating engine
One page navigation using Hash-URL
100% Client multilanguage support
Crossbrowser: Chrome, Firefox e Internet Explorer
Light and fast: 18 KB
Open source: New BSD License
This is an example of a
Todo App
using Iris
With a
Todo App
you can add
and check them when completed.
the enviroment
The first step is to create an
page and an
Let's start with the
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <title>Todo list</title> <script src='|jquery.min.js'></script> <script src='iris.js'></script> </head> <body> </body> </html> @@@ tooltip: {text: 'JQuery Dependency', wait: 2000} ::: Add JQuery Dependency run: {command: 'goLineDown', times: 2, beforeDelay: 0} run: {command: 'goLineStart', beforeDelay: 0} run: {command: 'goWordRight', times: 3, beforeDelay: 0} tooltip: {text: 'Iris Library', wait: 2000} ::: Add Iris Library Dependency run: {command: 'goLineDown', times: 2, beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: ""} ::: Add Init Script run: {command: 'goWordLeft', times: 2, beforeDelay: 0} tooltip: {text: 'Init Script'} run: {command: 'goDocEnd', times: 1, beforeDelay: 0} run: {command: 'goLineUp', times: 2, beforeDelay: 0} run: {command: 'goLineStart', beforeDelay: 0} tooltip: {text: 'Empty Body'} ::: Leave the body without content
| @@@ type: {text: "iris.path = {\n};"} ::: Define de iris.path object tooltip: {text: 'iris.path defines all Iris components', pos: "0:4"} run: { command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0 } run: { command: "goLineEnd", beforeDelay: 0 } type: {text: "\n welcome : 'app/screen/welcome.js',\n"} ::: Define the Welcome Screen type: {text: " welcome_tmpl : 'app/screen/welcome.html'"} tooltip: {text: 'Each Screen has two elements: the presenter and the template', pos: "1:4"} type: {text: ",\n todo_item : 'app/ui/todo_item.js',\n"} ::: Define the Todo UI type: {text: " todo_item_tmpl : 'app/ui/todo_item.html'"} tooltip: {text: 'The same as every UI component', pos: "3:4"} run: { command: "goDocEnd", beforeDelay: 0 } run: { command: "goLineEnd", beforeDelay: 0 } type: {text: "\n\n$(document).ready(function() {"} ::: Entry point type: {text: "\n iris.welcome(iris.path.welcome);"} type: {text: "\n});"} tooltip: {text: 'Calling the iris.welcome() method', pos: "8:4"}
The template of
Welcome Screen
| @@@ type: {text: "
"} ::: Empty Div tooltip: {text: 'Start with an empty \"div\"', pos: "0:5"} run: { command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0 } run: { command: "goLineStart", beforeDelay: 0 } type: {text: "
"} ::: TextBox to add tasks tooltip: {text: 'The \"data-id\" attribute is used to handle the component in the presenter', pos: "1:12"} type: {text: "\n
\n Mark all as complete"} ::: To check all taks type: {text: "\n
"} type: {text: "\n
"} tooltip: {text: 'Checkbox to check/uncheck all tasks', pos: "4:20"} type: {text: "\n
"} ::: To contains the tasks tooltip: {text: 'The list will contain the Todo_item UIs', pos: "5:10"} type: {text: "\n
"} ::: To filter tasks type: {text: "\n
", delay: 20} type: {text: "\n
", delay: 20} type: {text: "\n
", delay: 20} type: {text: "\n
"} tooltip: {text: 'When click, It will navigate to Welcome Screen with a \"filter\" parameter', pos: "8:10", wait: 4000} type: {text: "\n
"} ::: To clear tasks completed tooltip: {text: 'To clear tasks completed', pos: "12:10"}
The presenter of
Welcome Screen
| @@@ type: {text: "//In welcome.js"} ::: Calling iris.screen() type: {text: "\niris.screen( ... , ... );"} tooltip: {text: 'iris.screen receives two parameters', pos: "1:4"} select: {from: "1:12", to: "1:17"} type: {text: " function(self) {\n}"} tooltip: {text: 'The first is the lifecycle function (more later)', pos: "1:15", wait: 4000} select: {from: "2:3", to: "2:7"} type: {text: "iris.path.welcome"} tooltip: {text: 'The second is the corresponding value in the iris.path variable', pos: "2:7", wait: 4000} prompt: {title: "Who is the \"self\" variable?", typeDelay: 2000, hideDelay: 4000, text: "It's the Screen cretated by Iris."} prompt: {title: "What is the second parameter for?", typeDelay: 2000, hideDelay: 4000, text: "For Minification and debugging."} moveTo: {pos: "1:29"} type: {delay: 10, text: "\n\n var newTodo, setAllBtn, clearCompletedBtn, todoLeft = 0, numTodos = 0, completeAllShowed = false, filters;\n"} type: {text: "\n self.create = function() {\n };\n"} ::: Defining the lifecycle methods type: {text: "\n self.awake = function() {\n };\n"} tooltip: {text: '\"self.create()\" and \"self.awake()\" are two methods of the component lifecycle', pos: "5:13", wait: 4000} tooltip: {text: '\"self.create()\" is called only once when the component is created', pos: "5:7", wait: 4000} tooltip: {text: '\"self.awake()\" is called each time the component is activated', pos: "8:7", wait: 4000} moveTo: {pos: "8:23"} type: {text: "params"} tooltip: {text: '\"self.awake()\" can receive queryString parameters', pos: "8:23"} moveTo: {pos: "6:0"} type: {text: "\n\n"} run: { command: "goLineUp", times:2, beforeDelay: 0 } type: {text: "\n self.tmpl(iris.path.welcome_tmpl);\n"} ::: Calling iris.template() tooltip: {text: '\"self.tmpl()\" loads the template in the DOM. In this case, in the \"body\" element', pos: "7:7"} type: {text: "\n newTodo = self.get('new-todo').on('keyup', newTodoOnKeyUp);"} ::: Calling self.get() tooltip: {text: '\"self.get()\" retrieves the JQuery object from the template whose \"data-id\" matches with the parameter', pos: "9:17"} type: {delay:10, text: "\n setAllBtn = self.get('toggle-all').on('click', setAll);"} ::: Assigning JQuery events handlers type: {delay:10, text: "\n clearCompletedBtn = self.get('clear-completed').on('click', clearCompleted);"} type: {delay:10, text: "\n filters = self.get('filters').on('click', onFiltersClick);"} tooltip: {text: 'Now we assing the JQuery event handlers', pos: "9:8"} type: {text: "\n\n self.on('destroy-todo', onDestroyTodo);"} ::: Assigning Iris events handlers type: {text: "\n self.on('toggle-todo', onToggleTodo);"} tooltip: {text: 'With \"self.on()\" the component can listening for an Iris event', pos: "14:6"} moveTo: {pos: "20:0"} ::: Notifying filter tasks type: {text: "\n"} run: { command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0 } type: {text: " if ( params !== undefined && params.hasOwnProperty('filter') ) {\n }"} tooltip: {text: 'Here, we check if there is a \"filter\" parameter in the QueryString', pos: "20:10"} moveTo: {pos: "21:0"} type: {text: "\n"} run: { command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0 } type: {text: " self.notify('filter-todos', params.filter);"} tooltip: {text: 'With \"self.notify\" whe can notify an Iris event passing some parameters to the handler', pos: "20:10"} moveTo: {pos: "16:0"} ::: Rendering components type: {text: "\n render();"} moveTo: {pos: "26:0"} type: {delay: 1, text: "\n function render () {\n ...\n }\n\n"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'The render function just hides o shows the DOM elements according to the app state', pos: '27:8'}
a Todo Item UI
At the next few steps we are going to explain how to add a Todo Item.
Let's start with the
Todo Item UI template
| @@@ type: {text: "
"} ::: Li Element tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'The Todo Items will be added in a list defined in the Welcome Screen, as you surely remember', pos: "0:4"} run: { command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0 } type: {text: "\n
"} ::: Checkbox Element tooltip: {text: 'A checkbox to allow us to check or uncheck the task', pos: "1:4"} type: {text: "\n
"} ::: Label Element tooltip: {text: 'A label to show the text of the task', pos: "2:4"} type: {text: "\n
"} ::: Button Element tooltip: {text: 'A button to destroy the task', pos: "3:4"} type: {text: "\n
"} ::: Textbox Element tooltip: {text: 'A textbox to edit the task', pos: "4:4"} tooltip: {text: 'The \"data-model\" attribute allows you to pass parameters from the presenter (more later)', pos: "4:27"}
Todo Item UI presenter
iris.ui(function (self) { | self.create = function() { self.tmpl(iris.path.todo_item_tmpl); self.get("check").on("click", toggle); self.get("destroy").on("click", destroyTodo); self.on("set-all-todos", onSetAllTodos); self.on("clear-completed", onClearCompleted); self.on("filter-todos", onFilter); self.get().on("dblclick", edit); self.get("text").on("change", onTextBlur); self.get().hide().fadeIn("slow"); }; ... },iris.path.todo_item); @@@ tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'We started in a similar way as the Welcome Screen', pos: "0:4"} ::: Intro type: {text: "\n self.settings({\n completed : false\n }"} ::: self.settings tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: '\"self.settings\" allows us to store a JavaScript object in the component', pos: "3:5"} moveTo: {pos: "9:0"} type: {text: " self.tmplMode(self.APPEND);"} ::: self.tmplMode tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'With \"self.tmplMode(self.APPEND)\" we are telling Iris that several UIs can be stored in the container (ul)', pos: "9:7"}
a Todo Item
//In welcome.js iris.screen(function(self) { self.create = function() { ... newTodo = self.get("new-todo").on("keyup", newTodoOnKeyUp); ... } ... }, iris.path.welcome); @@@ tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'Remember...', pos: "0:4"} ::: Intro moveTo: {pos: "7:0"} type: {text: "\n"} run: { command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0 } type: {text: " function newTodoOnKeyUp (e) {\n if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) {\n var ui = self.ui('todo-list', iris.path.todo_item);\n ui.inflate({ text: newTodo.val() });\n }\n }\n"} tooltip: {wait: 2000, text: 'The \"self.ui()\" method creates a new UI', pos: "9:17"} ::: self.ui tooltip: {wait: 3000, text: 'It takes two mandatory parameters and two optional', pos: "9:17"} tooltip: {wait: 3000, text: 'The first mandatory parameter is the UI container', pos: "9:25"} tooltip: {wait: 3000, text: 'The other mandatory parameter is the UI presenter file', pos: "9:42"} tooltip: {wait: 6000, text: 'The optional parameters are the settings object pass to the UI and the template mode, of which we already talked about before', pos: "9:17"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'The \"self.ui()\" method returns the UI created by iris', pos: "9:7"} ::: ui.inflate tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'The \"ui.inflate()\" method allows to pass a JavaScript object to the template', pos: "10:6"} tooltip: {wait: 8000, text: 'Iris will look for those DOM elements of the component whose attribute \"data-model\" matches any attribute of the object passed to the method ...', pos: "10:6"} tooltip: {wait: 6000, text: '... And It will replace their contents with the new value', pos: "10:6"} tooltip: {wait: 8000, text: 'In this case, the content of the DOM elements with \"data-model\" attribute equal to \"text\" will be the task name introduced by the user', pos: "10:6"}
Todo Items
At these few steps we are going to explain how to
Todo Items.
Checking/Unchecking a
Todo Item
//In todo_item.js iris.ui(function (self) { ... self.create = function() { ... self.get("check").on("click", toggle); ... }; },iris.path.todo_item); @@@ tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'Remember...', pos: "0:4"} ::: Intro moveTo: {pos: "8:0"} type: {text: " function toggle () {\n self.setting('completed', !self.setting('completed'));\n self.get().toggleClass('completed');\n self.get('check').attr('checked', self.setting('completed'));\n self.notify('toggle-todo', self.setting('completed'));\n }"} ::: self.setting() tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'Almost all of this we have already explained', pos: "8:10"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'The \"self.setting()\" method is similar to \"self.settings()\" and allows us to store a value in the component ...', pos: "9:12"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: '... or retrieve it', pos: "9:35"}
Todo Items
//In welcome.js iris.screen(function(self) { self.create = function() { ... setAllBtn = self.get('toggle-all').on('click', setAll); ... } ... }, iris.path.welcome); @@@ tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'Remember...', pos: "0:4"} ::: Intro moveTo: {pos: "7:0"} type: {text: "\n"} run: { command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0 } type: {text: " function setAll () {\n self.notify('set-all-todos', completeAllShowed);\n }"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'We just notify the event', pos: "8:10"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'The \"completeAllShowed\" variable controls whether to check or uncheck the todos', pos: "8:40"} run: {command: "selectAll", beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: "//In todo_item.js"} ::: todo_item.js type: {text: "\niris.ui(function(self) {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.create = function() {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.on('set-all-todos', onSetAllTodos);", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n }", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n}, iris.path.todo_item);", delay: 10} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'We assign the event handler function', pos: "5:35"} moveTo: {pos: "8:0"} type: {text: "\n", delay: 10} run: {command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: "\n function onSetAllTodos (isCheck) {"} type: {text: "\n if ( self.setting('completed') !== isCheck ) {"} type: {text: "\n toggle();"} type: {text: "\n }"} type: {text: "\n }"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'If the todo does not have the correct state, we call to the \"toggle()\" function previously explained', pos: "9:15"}
Todo Items
At this step we are going to explain how to
Todo Items.
Deleting a
Todo Item
//In todo_item.js iris.ui(function (self) { ... self.create = function() { ... self.get('destroy').on('click', destroyTodo); ... }; }, iris.path.todo_item); @@@ tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'Remember...', pos: "0:4"} ::: Intro moveTo: {pos: "8:0"} type: {text: " function destroyTodo () {\n self.notify('destroy-todo', self);\n }"} ::: self.notify() tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'We just notify the event ...', pos: "8:10"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: '... passing the UI component itself', pos: "9:32"} run: {command: "selectAll", beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: "//In welcome.js"} ::: self.destroyUI() type: {text: "\niris.screen(function(self) {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.create = function() {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.on('destroy-todo', onDestroyTodo);", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n }", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n}, iris.path.welcome);", delay: 10} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'Remember...', pos: "0:4"} moveTo: {pos: "8:0"} type: {text: "\n", delay: 10} run: {command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: "\n function onDestroyTodo (todo) {"} type: {text: "\n ..."} type: {text: "\n self.destroyUI(todo);"} type: {text: "\n ..."} type: {text: "\n }"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'The \"destroyUI()\" method destroys the UI passed as a parameter', pos: "11:9"} run: {command: "selectAll", beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: "//In todo_item.js"} ::: Alternative way tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'An alternative way and much simpler to do the same is just ...', pos: "0:4"} type: {text: "\niris.ui(function(self) {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.create = function() {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.get('destroy').on('click', destroyTodo);", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n }", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n}, iris.path.todo_item);", delay: 10} moveTo: {pos: "8:0"} type: {text: "\n", delay: 10} run: {command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: "\n function destroyTodo() {"} type: {text: "\n ..."} type: {text: "\n self.destroyUI();"} type: {text: "\n ..."} type: {text: "\n }"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'The \"destroyUI()\" method with no arguments destroys the UI itself', pos: "11:9"}
all completed
Todo Items
//In welcome.js iris.screen(function(self) { self.create = function() { ... self.get('clear-completed').on('click', clearCompleted); ... } ... }, iris.path.welcome); @@@ tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'Remember...', pos: "0:4"} ::: Intro moveTo: {pos: "7:0"} type: {text: "\n"} run: { command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0 } type: {text: " function clearCompleted () {\n self.notify('clear-completed');\n }"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'We just notify the event', pos: "8:10"} run: {command: "selectAll", beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: "//In todo_item.js"} ::: todo_item.js type: {text: "\niris.ui(function(self) {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.create = function() {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.on('clear-completed', onClearCompleted);", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n }", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n}, iris.path.todo_item);", delay: 10} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'We assign the event handler function', pos: "5:35"} moveTo: {pos: "8:0"} type: {text: "\n", delay: 10} run: {command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: "\n function onClearCompleted () {"} type: {text: "\n if ( self.setting('completed') ) {"} type: {text: "\n destroyTodo();"} type: {text: "\n }"} type: {text: "\n }"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'If the todo is completed, we call to the \destroyTodo()\" function previously explained', pos: "9:9"}
a Todo Item
//In todo_item.js iris.ui(function (self) { ... self.create = function() { ... self.get().on('dblclick', edit); ... }; }, iris.path.todo_item); @@@ tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'Remember...', pos: "0:4"} ::: Intro moveTo: {pos: "8:0"} type: {text: " function edit () {\n self.get().addClass('editing');\n self.get('text').select();\n }"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'Nothing new here ...', pos: "8:10"} type: {text: "\n function onTextBlur () {\n self.get().removeClass('editing');\n self.inflate({text:self.get('text').val()});\n }"} ::: self.inflate tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'With the \"self.inflate\" method we update the template as we explained previously', pos: "14:10"}
@@@ tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'Remember...', pos: "0:4"} ::: Intro tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'When we click on a link, Iris will call the \"awake\" method of the Welcome Screen', pos: "4:20"} run: {command: "selectAll", beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: "//In welcome.js"} ::: self.awake() type: {text: "\niris.screen(function(self) {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.awake = function(params) {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n if ( params !== undefined && params.hasOwnProperty('filter') ) {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.notify('filter-todos', params.filter);", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n }", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n }", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n}, iris.path.welcome);", delay: 10} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'We just notify the event passing the filter value', pos: "5:10"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'The filter value is retrieved from the QueryString passed to the \"awake\" method', pos: "5:37"} run: {command: "selectAll", beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: "//In todo_item.js"} ::: todo_item.js type: {text: "\niris.ui(function(self) {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.create = function() {", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n self.on('filter-todos', onFilter);", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n }", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n ...", delay: 10} type: {text: "\n}, iris.path.todo_item);", delay: 10} moveTo: {pos: "8:0"} type: {text: "\n", delay: 10} run: {command: "goLineUp", beforeDelay: 0} type: {text: "\n function onFilter (filter) {"} type: {text: "\n ..."} type: {text: "\n }"} tooltip: {wait: 4000, text: 'The \"onFilter()\" hides or shows the todo acording to the filter value and the completed state', pos: "9:9"}